EN | FR |
override | redéfinir/spécialiser |
overload | surcharger |
Associations: Dependency-Aggregation-Composition
Note for Ambiguous, Aggregation and Composition associations:
- Navigation: Pointing from A to B with an arrow head means that you can navigate from A to B (here
). - Cardinality: putting numbers/ranges (1, 10, 2…n) at the end of a link specifies the cardinality of the relationship.
Intensity of the relationship | Name | Description |
Weakest | Dependency Association | When A uses B for some operation (here printer.print(file) ) |
Ambiguous Association | When A and B are linked by some reference holding but you don’t want to be more specific. | |
Aggregation Association | When A holds a reference to B but B has its own purpose outside A context (Deletion of A does not imply deletion of B). There is no constraint about the cardinality of the aggregate end of the link, allowing many-to-many relationship. Components can be shared among different aggregates (A soccer player can be both in his club or in the national team). | |
Strongest | Composition Association | When A holds a reference to B but B has no purpose outside A context (Deletion of A implies deletion of B). A is called the whole. The cardinality of the whole end of the link must be 1, meaning that components cannot be shared among different wholes (a head cannot be part of two bodies). |
This split is sometimes really arbitrary and discussable:
- A=Car, B=Engine: does the engine has a purpose without the car ? Well it migth depend on how generic it is built…
relation between OOP basics & SOLID principles
- OOP basics
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Single Responsibility Principle
- (Polymorphic) Open / Closed Principle (note: solves the Expression Problem)
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle)
Different purposes:
- languages or concepts which don’t support Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and Poly are not object oriented. If you do something object oriented you can always apply these OO basics, because they are available. One doesn’t call such things principles.
- SOLID in return is optional. When developing an OO design you should strive to be SOLID, by applying the underlying basics. Solid only determines how “good” your design is, not if it is object oriented or not. They are principles.
Dependency Inversion
Based on this idea, Robert C. Martin’s definition of the Dependency Inversion Principle consists of two parts:
- High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
- Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
OOP base features
Expose behavior in a public API that do calls to private behaviors implementations & attributes
- Ad hoc Polymorphism: via Overloading.
- Parametric Polymorphism: allowed by “Generics”
- Subtyping Polymorphism: allows Liskov Substitution Principle
OOP principles
Inversion of Control
It’s making a framework lead the execution of a program, the application code just filling the blank to customize the framework’s behavior.
Application outputing in stdout the first 5 characters of the lines of a file passed as argument, during 1 seconds maximum:
- Without IoC ```python import time
start = time.time() execution_timeout_sec = 1
with open(args[1], ‘r’) as fh: for line in fh.read().split(“\n”): print(line[:5]) if time.time() - start > execution_timeout_sec: break
- With IoC
from some_file_processing_framework import LinesPrinter
def take_first_5_chars(line: str) -> str:
return line[:5]
Example of IoC frameworks: webserver frameworks (flask, fastapi), data processing frameworks (spark)
Best practices
Avoid fields direct use
“You should not need to know if you are manipulating a field or a method”
Direct access to a field member
within a class must be avoided and you must prefer access it via getter/setter or other sort of private wrapping method accessMember()
. This way if you further decide to replace the fields member
by a method member()
, the code changes implied by this change will only affect accessMember()
Composition over inheritance
“Inheritance is not for code reuse, inheritance is not for sharing behavior”
Whenever you would have factorized some behavior with inheritance, if you can replace the IS-A relation by a WITH-A relation, you must use composition instead of inheritance.
Help: Decorator Pattern, Bridge Pattern, Dependency Injection.
When to transform final categorical attribute into inheritance ?
When some behaviors are only available based on a spécific attribute value. For example: This is ok:
- final String sexe
- void eatFruit]
This is NOT ok anymore, because added giveBirth
method is only available if Human.sexe.equals("woman")
- sexe: String
- void eatFruit
- Human giveBirth]
Need to be changed to:
- void eatFruit
] W[Woman
- Human giveBirth]--extends-->H M[Man
Design patterns notes
Name | Wiki-like definition | My understanding and notes | links with SOLID’s principle |
[Creational] Singleton | restricts the instantiation of a class to one “single” instance. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. anti pattern: used in scenarios where it is not beneficial, introduces unnecessary restrictions in situations where a sole instance of a class is not actually required, and introduces global state into an application | Best Java implem: public enum Foo{INSTANCE;} . Stackexchange: “It’s important to distinguish here between single instances and the Singleton design patter. Single instances * are simply a reality. Most apps are only designed to work with one configuration at a time, one UI at a time, one file system at a time, and so on. If there’s a lot of state or data to be maintained, then certainly you would want to have just one instance and keep it alive as long as possible.”* |
Violates OCP because must be final class in order to guarantee singleton. Violates DIP because singleton class cannot implement an interface on which consumers can depend on, because the interface must be a logically describing a singleton (this point is discussable) and that it opens the possibility to extend it and have 2 instances of this singleton interface. |
[Creational] Builder Pattern | Aim’s to provide a flexible solution to various object creation problems | Useful when many construction parameters, to avoid unreadable ordered multiple arguments constructors. A builder patter for class C can be smoothly implemented with an inner class Builder & putting the C constructor private like this:public C(Builder builder) . Call: C.Builder(mandatories...).setOptional().setOp... .build() . It’s a Fluent Interface |
Commonly used Fluent interface can violate OCP because if the return type is exactly the class type, extensions may be forced to use every extended method before inherited ones in the chain. To avoid that, one can use some generic tricks in Java, or simply set the return types to this.type in Scala. |
[Creational] Factory method Pattern | uses factory methods to deal with the problem of creating objects without having to specify the exact class of the object that will be created | When a class A needing an instance of IB relies on its own factory method (returning type IB) to create instance of class implementing IB interface. Extension of A allows to overrides the factory method implementation, like the concrete class returned | Unlike Abstract factories, it may violate SRP because it puts the logic concerning creation of an instance of IB in the factory method of a class A that has its own purpose that is not instanciation of B objects. This complies with OCP because the extension of the creation behavior is using inheritance. |
[Creational] Abstract Factory Pattern | “provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes” | It’s a class whose primary goal is to expose factory method(s) returning IB. These methods behaviors may be overriden/implemented in subclasses (concrete factories). (Also true for factory method pattern ->) The concrete B subtype can depend on provided arguments, especially on an Enum Type (or Equivalent) argument on which factory can switch to decide which subclass of C to create. The use of Enum Type parameter provide compile time safety for client and it can also be charged to implement the logic of creation in Enum types methods (of course static). Factory method vs Abstract Factory discussed | Complies smoothly with DIP because it allows client code to rely only on abstractions: abstraction of desired object IB (client is blind to concrete implementation and instanciation process) and abstraction of the Factory itself (concrete Factory can be passed as a Dependency Injection in constructor or setter of client class for example) |
[Creational] Prototype Pattern | “used when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance which is cloned to produce new objects” | Useful when its worthy to copy the Prototype object content, when it has been costful to build it, or when many similar objects needs to be created (If it’s juste to construct 1 new object using same parameters as the Prototype, Builder Pattern or factories can achieve it cleanly). The implem is often done with the Clonable interface in Java. | match SRP by delegating detail customizations of construction to client class of the Prototype. |
[Behavioral] Strategy Pattern (=Policy Pattern) | “the strategy pattern enables selecting an algorithm at runtime” | Encapsulate actual way to perform an action needed by an actioner in an actor. It’s done by abstracting different actor implementations into a base actor ready to be blindly manipulated by actioner. | May help to comply with SRP (as actioner does not have to know anything about actual(runtime) action implementation) and OCP (as actioner class has not to be modified when adding new action implementation by extending base actor). Achieved by using Dependency injection of algorithm |
[Behavioral] Template method Pattern | “The template method is a method in a (abstract) superclass, and defines the skeleton of an operation in terms of a number of high-level steps (helper methods) for which subclasses are required to provide concrete implementations” | Close execution of the DIP rule as it is pushing as many logic as possible up on the class hierarchy tree: Also help to keep design DRY | |
[Behavioral] Visitor Pattern | C’est une manière de séparer un algorithme d’une structure de données. | Usefull to comply with OCP because adding a new way to act an existing Acceptor doesn’t imply to modify it, but only to add a new Visitor | |
[Behavioral] Observer Pattern | ” a subject (an object) maintains a list of its dependents, called observers , and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods” | Especially usefull in event-driven programming, for example for a game: Actions are performed by observers listening on a subject being for example the keyboard controller (a wrapper around it at least). | Perfect to comply with SRP because this way subject has only to manage event notifications and has not to perform any response action. |
[Behavioral] Command Pattern | “Encapsule la notion d’_invocation_. Il permet de séparer complètement le code initiateur de l’action, du code de l’action elle-même” | Client pass to an Invoker (needing an ICommand, having execute() method) a ConcreteCommand that it has previously filled with a Receiver (object on which command will act) and parameters of the command. Might be useful to give client ability to chose action (Stored in ConcreteCommand object) to be performed by an Invoker at runtime. Might look close to a very specific Observer Pattern. IO Monad can be seen as a Command in Command patterns. | Match SRP because Invoker has not to know what it invokes. Keeps things DRY because slightly different request implementations directly done in invokers are now factorized by use of parameterized Command objects. DIP complient because Invoker relies only on ICommand. |
[Behavioral] State Pattern | “allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes” | Perfect to cleanly modelize Finite State Machines. A Context (=the Machine) object owns an IState instance state as attribute and will call this.state.doSomething(this, ...) when it needs to perform an action depending on its state. Context relies entirely on its state object to perform the action and also to possibly update its state with context.setState(IState state) method (it’s why this is passed to doSomething ). Good pratice: create IState and ConcreteStates as inner classes, so that context.setState can be private but still reachable by states. |
Match SRP because Context blind to its State transitions and behaviors. Match DIP because Context depends only on IState. The inner classes solution should be avoided to perfectly match OCP by having extensions of IState not requireing Context recompilation. |
[Behavioral] Memento Pattern | “provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state, without violating its encapsulation.” | The Originator instances are rollbackable. They have Memento saveToMemento(State s) and void restoreFromMemento(Memento m) methods refering to a public static Memento inner class that has a method State getSavedState() that is private and thus only accessible by outer class Originator. This way the client (Caretaker) can store Originator state in a Memento that is opaque to him and only readable by Originator class to rollback. |
Match SRP because client has not to deal with details of rollback and Originator’s inner state, that would have also violated OOP basics’ encapsulation. |
[Behavioral] Chain of responsability | “consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains logic that defines the types of command objects that it can handle; the rest are passed to the next processing object in the chain. A mechanism also exists for adding new processing objects to the end of this chain” | Useful when you have a Sender (client) and Handlers and the Sender does not know to wich Handler pass a request at compile time (that can be implemented with a Command Pattern) or if it needs multiple Handlers** to handle it (the set of Handlers can also potentially change dynamically at runtime). A clear implem is having the Sender keeping a reference to 1 Handler, the head of the chain, and each Handler keeps a reference to the next one, forming a linked list structure. The query is passed through the chain and each ConcreteHandler answer the request or not and pass it down through the chain or not. | Match DIP because avoid tight coupling between Sender and potential corresponding ConcreteReceiver(s) |
[Structural] Adapter Pattern | “Also know as Wrapper […], allows the interface of an existing class to be used as another interface” | Implicit conversions in scala are a form of adapter pattern | The adapter might work as an abstraction over something, thus helping to comply with DIP |
[Structural] Bridge Pattern | SO: “Conceptually, you push the implementation details used by a class hierarchy into another object, typically with its own hierarchy. By doing so, you are removing a tight dependency on those implementation details and allowing the details of that implementation to change.” | It’s an example of Composition over inheritance. You need to apply Bridge pattern when your design has been though too general for a class, i.e. when your sub-classes names contains too precise and too variable information, leading to a “class explosion”: For example when you have City base class extended in TexasCity and FrenchCity extended ni BlueTexasCity and BlueFrenchCity etc… It becomes an exponentially growing unreadable mess. You might want to use Only your City and pass a Color and Localisation (Enums for example) instances to it via Dependency injection (this injection(s) are the bridge(s)) in the constructor for example. [vs Strategy Pattern:] “I liken this to the use of a strategy pattern in the way you can plug in a new behavior. But instead of just wrapping an algorithm as is often seen in a strategy, the implementation object is usually more feature filled. And when you apply the concept to an entire class hierarchy the larger pattern becomes a Bridge.” |
Match SRP in that it separate responsabilities (to pay taxes depending on the region, or how to maitain walls of a specific color) in different independant classes. Base class now relies on abstraction of color and localisation, matcing DIP |
[Structural] Facade Pattern | “serves as a front-facing interface masking more complex underlying or structural code” | A Facade interacts with a complex underlying library (many classes, well decoupled, matching SRP) and exposes a simplified context-specific API to client. | Breaks some SOLID principles (OCP and DIP in that it instanciates specific concrete classes and make hardcoded implementations choices impossible to extend) but can catalyze all the violations for the library it faces. Nice way to match ISP because of the context-specific focus. |
[Structural] Decorator Pattern | “Attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically keeping the same interface. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality” | Prevent class explosion by allowing to create complex sets of behaviors at runtime. This need can be addressed by Bridge Pattern if the relations are 1-1 (City has 1 color), but if it’s 1-n (Ice Cream may have many toppings), Decorator chaining is a great choice). The Decorator class IS-A and HAS-A Component (decorated class). The Decorator constructors requires DI of a Component (public ConcreteDecorator(Component c) ), so the layers of decoration are forced to have at their core a standalone ConcreteComponent instance that is not a Decorator. |
Match SRP because a Decorator is associated to each behavior addon. Class explosion can also be avoided by putting every potential behaviors as optional members in Component, activated or not at runtime. But this would have lead to violation of OCP (because adding potential behavior to Component requires its recompilation) and violation of ISP (because subclasses and client of Component will rely on many members being outside their concerns) |
[Structural] Proxy Pattern | “Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.” | Like in Decorator Pattern, here the Proxy class HAS-A a Subject and IS-A Subject (so that it is transparent for the user to use either the Proxy or the ConcreteSubject). There is three flavours of proxies: 1. The Remote Proxy: Focusing on being a mediator (from a simple bypass to a more complex system with filtering or cache features) between a distant resource and the client. 2. The Virtual Proxy: Also referred as a sub-type of Lazy Evaluation Pattern. 3. The Protection Proxy: Focusing on rights management regarding access of the underlying resource. | Matches SRP in that the underlying resource has not to deal with its own high level efficient management. Matches OCP in that the choice to use or not or to change the Proxy implies only to change the concrete implementation of Subject class chosen. |
[Structural] Composite Pattern | “Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.” | It’s basically implemented as an objects tree. It is used to manipulate semmlessly a Composite or a Leaf object, both classes implementing a Component interface. Composite holds some Component objects and composite.operation() result is relying on componentX.operation() calls recursively propagated on the objects tree. leaf.operation() are base cases of the recursion. |
Both client and the Components have not to know about the whole tree structure to perform operations, thus matching SRP, and everybody relies on the Component abstraction, thus matching DIP. |
[Structural] Delegation Pattern | “Allows object composition to achieve the same code reuse as inheritance.” | When a method delegates its work to an underlying attribute. For example a Body can delegate walking to its Legs : its .walk() method simply call this.legs.walk() . |
Useful to match OCP when we can’t achieve behavior reuse through inheritance for some reason |